Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Approximately one year ago I started this blog. I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible for my blog to be alive during this very special time of year. The time of year we celebrate the holidays and the birth and life of this blog. If it wasn’t for you it would not be what it is today. You have spiced it up with your comments and advice. I plan on continuing this blog and making it an interesting read for my fellow friends.

I decided to change my background. I would love your opinion.


Anonymous said...

Did you know there is a mysterious smiley at the bottom left-hand corner of your blog? It's not even within the normal post borders. It's creeping me out.

I like the dots. They remind me of the planets. hehee. Just kidding. Please don't kill me.

kera said...

I just thought I'd say hi and contribute a little bit to your blog. So, Hi.

blueshorts said...

It looks like you found a good one. I like it. Happy Birthday to you dear Blog.