Thursday, October 27, 2005


I just want to say that Smurf is the coolest person in the world and he is so good at Scrabble and anyone who is so lucky and that's such a great treat for them. And also that he is handsome and a good dresser and a clever boy and a terrific writer and everybody wants to be around him. Oh, that I were half as awesome as Smurf. I think he deserves a candy bar from everybody who reads this.

Hehe and I also want to say that Wiggle should not leave her blog page open when Jokey Smurf is around. Hyuck hyuck!


Anonymous said...

Up until the end I actually believed that Wiggle wrote that.

Anonymous said...

hahah... Robot! You've been even more naughty! You impersonate the BuhSupremacy AND Wiggle!

I thought I was naughty for impersonating my brother. hehe. You naughty naughty smurf.