Tuesday, December 21, 2004

It All "Depends"

I would like to share with the world my hatred for the word "depends". I hate that some idiot took a very common word, that everyone uses and perverted it by making it into an ADULT DIAPER!! I hate that! It makes me so angry! Yes, I understand why the idiot would think that was a clever idea, but now every time I hear the word I am forced to think of an old man standing in front of me in line (happy that he doesn't have to leave the line to go to the restroom) just doing his business! Sick! Barf!
It IS a very common word so I was forced to grow a tolerance for the word, but every once in a while my friends get a kick out of saying it loud enough so that I hear it above all the other words that surround it. Does this bother me? Yes. Do my friends care? No. In fact they think it is freakin' hilarious. And then one day they had the nerve to point out the word "Always". And that my friends, is a different story.

1 comment:

azurerocket said...

Of course, without Depends, my friend couldn't have used one to answer her date to the prom, Utah-style. The potential date was toying with the idea of wearing an orange suit or some other attention-grabbing garb. Hence her answer: It DEPENDS; if the suit is black, yes. Otherwise, no. Of course this friend and I weren't quite traditional Utah-style date asker/answerers. One time we got a gallon plastic baggie of stuff from my parent's un-mulched compost heap and said, "It would be rotten if you didn't go to the preference dance with me."