Saturday, June 18, 2005


Well my dearest friends, I have read “The Princess Bride” and I loved it. I could not put it down. I would read it while I was walking to work, on my breaks, every chance I got I would read it.

I have always loved the movie, but have had some questions about the characters, details of the fire swamp, etc. Let me tell you my fellow readers, the book answered all of my questions! I even love the book more than the movie. Yes, it’s true.

You have got to read it. If you have read it, let me know what you thought. We could have something in common… unless you hated it. Then, of course we wouldn’t… well, except for the fact that we both read it…yeah, anyway...

Oh, and I am going to start reading “1984” next, heard it was good, so naturally, I bought it.

If any of you have any good recommendations of books you think I should read, let me know about them, and I will try getting my hands on the book.

Less than a month and the new Harry Potter will be out in stores! Can’t wait for that one! It will be great. I know it.

1 comment:

Vandersun said...

WIGGGLLLLEEE!!! I love you for that. For years I have maintained that it is the best book on earth, and no one would believe me. I miss you so. Call me!!!