Monday, January 24, 2005

Dumb Worm by Wiggle Worm

When I was a junior in high school, I wrote a poem for English class expressing my hatred for dead fried worms on the sidewalk. I ended up getting an A for the poem. Then last night while I was enjoying a game of Loaded Questions, we were asked to write a poem. So I wrote this one down. Smurf suggested I put this on my blog. Keep in mind that the poem I wrote for class was better than this. Here goes:

Dumb worm frying on the sidewalk;

Doesn’t he know how sick that is;

As he lies there burnt to a crisp.


I hate that dumb worm!


Wiggle said...

Loaded Questions, is a board game. But if you don't have it then all you need is a group of friends, paper, and something to write with. Someone asks a question to the whole group. Then everyone writes down an answer (it can be seriouse or funny). Then fold the paper and hand it to the person sitting next to the one who asked the question. the Player who gathers all the answers reads them out loud. While the person who asked the question guesses what answers belong to who. However many that they got right is how many points they get. It can be a really fun game. I hope I explained it well enough for you, have fun playing it!

Robert Anthony Pierce said...

Dude, that's friggin hilarious. I still give you an A. A foe Awesome! And A for Asgusting worm. That means disgusting, only with a A. ANd we should play that fun game you said some time!